We’re here to provide a luxury experience that combines award-winning marketing with proven results to ensure the best possible service for all of our clients. Our success in this highly competitive industry is a reflection of our dedication and passion for real estate. Enjoy tranquility and peace of mind by doing business with Real Estate Experts.






5 Stars on Google / 150+ REVIEWS



Awards and Recognition

A collection of recent achievements and accolades reflecting our unwavering commitment to excellence.

Award Winning Agency


Best Luxury Independent Brokerage in Québec

M Immobilier was named 2024’s Best Luxury Independent Brokerage in Québec by the Luxury Lifestyle Awards! This is a tremendous achievement for our group as the Luxury Lifestyle Awards is a global award program that selects, recognizes, celebrates, and promotes the best luxury goods and services worldwide. Other award recipients include Fairmont Hotels, Audemars Piguet, the Ritz Carlton and the Waldorf Astoria.

Leading Real Estate Companies of The World®<br> 2024 Annual Conference | Wynn Las Vegas
Best Social Media Award

This award exists to recognize the agency whose Social Media presence and marketing materials best exemplify Leading Real Estate Companies of the World® and Luxury Portfolio International while promoting affiliation within these exceptional networks.

Leading Real Estate Companies of The World®
2024 Annual Conference | Wynn Las Vegas

Leading Real Estate Companies of The World®<br> 2023 Annual Conference | Wynn Las Vegas
Best Consumer Marketing Award

This award exists to recognize the agency whose marketing materials exceed expectations when it comes to design, adoption, clear intended goals and noteworthy success. We were specifically recognized for our Brand Essence, Standard and Premium Property Brochures, Business Card Menu, and Postcard designs.

Leading Real Estate Companies of The World®
2023 Annual Conference | Wynn Las Vegas

Leading Real Estate Companies of The World®  <br>2021 Annual Conference
Good Things Foundation Award

Leading Real Estate Companies of The World®
2021 Annual Conference

Leading Real Estate Companies of The World® <br>  2020 Annual Conference
Innovative Office Design Award

Leading Real Estate Companies of The World®
2020 Annual Conference